Friday, July 18, 2008

Heading in the right direction!

I had a loss this time ... a 3.4 lb loss, to be exact! I'm very proud of myself today. I feel like I did everything right this week to make this loss happen, and I felt GREAT doing it too! I tried to eat more whole foods instead of processed foods ... I really paid attention to getting in all my servings of fruits and veggies and also made sure to eat some protein in the morning. I didn't get in four days of walking, but I did get in three days. And the days I did get in, I ran (yes, you read that right) a few hundred yards for good measure.

I'm going to continue this routine through next week to see if I can kickstart a consistent weight loss. For a while, it seemed I kept losing and gain the same 5 pounds ... it's time I shook things up!

Oh, and I got some good news this week (besides my weight loss). A year ago, I went to my doctor for a routine physical. He told me I was at risk for Type 2 Diabetes and that my cholesterol was too high. He urged me to lose weight and start exercising (duh). It took me 6 months and two cancer diagnosises in my family for me to take his advice. Now, 6 months into Weight Watchers and almost 32 pounds lighter, I went back for another physical. Not only is my risk for Type 2 Diabetes gone, but my cholesterol is "perfect" according to the nurse (who also said she wished her bloodwork looked as good as mine!).

Nice, right?