Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's been a rough month.

I was about to give up on this blog ... it's been so long since I updated it. But someone mentioned to me that they actually READ it (gasp!) and look forward to my updates. And well, the people-pleaser that I am just had to oblige. So I'm back. And I've got good news.

I'm down a total of 22.6 pounds since January 3. It's been rough, though. After my last post, there was Easter -- and I wasn't very good about cutting back on that high-sodium ham. Then my mother had her cancer surgery the week after Easter -- and the emotional eater that I am indulged in every single comfort food there is. I gained 2 pounds over that three week period and just couldn't seem to get past myself. It was a sick feeling.

Then 2 weeks ago, I decided to go back to the basics. I went back to drinking all my water. I went back to recording every single thing I put in my mouth. I went back to watching my portions and making sure I had enough veggies and fruit in my diet. I also started tracking my activity level (something that is completely new for me) and realized that I actually wasn't eating enough to compensate. Who knew?

As a result, I lost 2.2 pounds last week and 2.8 pounds this week. Duh. All I had to do was work the program. Funny how that works, right?

What this past month has taught me is that it's okay that I'm not perfect. And because I'm not perfect, this weight loss journey isn't going to be perfect. And that's also okay because that's life. I have to take the bad with the good and just keep on keeping on.

So my goals for this week are to get more activity in (which is getting really easy now that the weather is gorgeous). I'm also going to continue to document everything I eat and I am going to focus on adding more fruits into my diet (since they taste better now that they are in season!).