Saturday, June 21, 2008

Week of milestones ...

Before I start, I'll just admit now that I gained 0.6 pounds. I'm not upset about it though because I did everything right this week. In fact, I journaled all my food, I ate all the right things in the right amounts, and I walked 2 miles three times this week. I think I gained because my body is adjusting to the new exercise routine (walking in the morning), and because I ate more whole foods and less junk than I normally do. I think that next week, the scale will reflect all my hard work this past week. I just have to keep doing what I'm doing.

The milestones I want to brag about tonight are non-scale milestones. The first one is that I'm WALKING. I'm getting up and moving -- and I'm really, really enjoying it. As a mother of two toddlers, it's next to impossible to get some time alone with your own thoughts. But by walking every morning by myself, I'm getting a good 45 minutes to think clearly and get my day started. As a result, I have more energy and I can focus better during the day. I feel like my attitude is so much better, too!

The second milestone is that I'm taking control of cooking in the house. Don't faint dead away! Despite my limited culinary experience (we're talking soup and toast, people), the meals I've learned to make are actually pretty good! Most of the recipes I'm using are from Weight Watchers, so they are low calorie and fit well into my new lifestyle that I'm trying to create. I'm happy to report that my kids are enjoying the food, and that my husband usually requests second helpings! I'm actually relieved that my family is embracing this new lifestyle as well. I've always worried that because I'm overweight and my husband is overweight that our kids will eventually go down that same path. That fear is lessening now that we are ALL eating healthier and I hope that by introducing new and healthier foods to the kids at such a young age, they'll be less vulnerable to the mistakes I've made in my life.

The third milestone is that I'm getting so much better at planning. I actually planned our entire week's worth of dinners today AND made a grocery list so that I can pick up all the food tomorrow. I'm very proud of myself.

So, despite the weight gain this week, there are a lot of positives going on. I feel like I've hit another groove in this healthy lifestyle I'm trying to create for me and my family, and it feels great. Regardless, I'm crossing my fingers that next week's weigh-in is a big loss ... wouldn't that be so nice?