Thursday, June 12, 2008

Today, there is 10% LESS of me!!!!

I'm beside myself with excitement! I lost 2.8 lbs this week for a total loss of 28.4 pounds. That's TEN PERCENT of me GONE! This was a huge goal for me. HUGE.

Can you see me doing a happy dance right now?? Can you? Woohoo!!!!! I feel great! I feel lighter! I feel like I can do this for the rest of my life! YAY!

Okay, okay. Lemme calm down and reflect how I got here. Here's what I did right this week. I drank all my water (at least 48ozs per day), I got in all my healthy foods (milk, fruits/veggies, and protein) each day. I wrote down every single thing I put in my mouth -- even if I didn't want to (like the 2nd skinny cow ice cream I ate, and the handful of Doritos I just had to have).

I'm so proud of myself.

I need to bottle this feeling and remember it the next time I feel myself taking a step backward. I need to remember how good it feels to accomplish something that I thought I'd never be able to accomplish. I can do this. No. Scratch that. I'm DOING this.

=) Happiness.