Sunday, May 11, 2008

Almost another pound gone.

I'm down 0.8 pounds since last week. It's not a big loss, but I'll take any loss I can get these days. My mom's sugery has been looming over me, we're finishing some pretty laborious home renovations, and we've got our first family vacation at the end of this month. Oh, and did I mention that I've taken on some last minute freelance work in the middle of this? I'm just one big stress ball these days.

So looking forward to the next week and everything that's consuming my life right now, I realize I just have to stay focused on the basics. I need to drink a lot of water, pay attention to my portions, and make sure that I'm getting the right amount of veggies, cheese/milk, protein and activity into my day. With a little luck and some hard-core dedication, I might just have a chance at -- at the very least -- maintaining my current weight and maybe -- just maybe -- losing a bit.

Wish me luck!