Saturday, January 12, 2008

Week One ... it begins!

I've decided to start this blog as a way to hold myself accountable and to track my progress during my weight loss journey. Like most of America, my 2008 New Years resolution is to lose weight and get healthy. It's not the first time I've made this resolution, but recent events in my life have made me determined to make this the last time I have to make this resolution for myself.

So here it goes. This is the first time I've ever admitted my actual weight ... and I can't believe that I'm disclosing it to the whole World Wide Web!

On January 3, 2008, I weighed 282.6 pounds.

I wish I could tell you how the hell I got to that weight, or give you some insight as to why I let myself get this heavy. The simplistic side of me wants to just say to you, "Well, I have no concept of portion control, and I love to eat." But I'm sure that as I get further into this journey that I'll see it was much more complicated than that.

The past is the past, though. And although I can't change it, I can certainly try my hardest to reverse it! Just this week, I joined Weight Watchers. I'm attending meetings and using their on-line tools. In the first week on the program, I've lost 3 pounds and can officially say BUH-BYE to the 280s!

So Cheers! Happy New Year! And here's to achieving my ultimate goal ... less of me.